If you are reading this post that means that you are probably are looking for some easy ways to earn some extra money. The good news is, if you have a smartphone you can put yourself in the position to start earning some money as soon as today! Millions of people have smartphones today and use them to take pictures. Did you know that there are several companies out there that will pay you for your pictures taken by your smartphone? Yes, this can be a fun and easy ways to start bringing in some extra cash every month. Listed below are 5 sites that you can sign up with.
Foap – Get 50% of every photo that is accepted and sold
EveEm – A community and marketplace for real photographers
Twenty20 – Showcase your photos and earn a 20% commission for every one you sell.
Alamy – Earn up to 50% on each photo sold on the site.
IconZoomer – Shoot it, Send it, Earn it

Start Making Money With Your SmartPhone